Your First Year - Parenting Your Premature Baby
Caring for your premature baby at home.

Continue to Learn after the NICU
The trials of having a premature infant do not end once your preemie is home. (Dianne Maroney)
Overstimulation and Your Premature Baby
Helping your baby and preemie child learn to calm after the NICU experience is essential. (Maren Peterson-DeGroff)
Caring for an Premature Baby with Reflux Reflux is common in premature babies. What is it and how can you help your baby? (Diane Maroney)
Realities of a Premature Infant's First Year : Helping Parents Cope
The crisis that begins in the NICU often continues after discharge; coping strategies for parents of premature infants. (Diane Maroney)
Patient's Portion Zero Preemie parents receive their first (expensive!) NICU hospital bill. (Jeff Stimpson)
Coping with Prematurity After the NICU Tips for parents transitioning home from the NICU. (Jeff and Jill Stimpson)
Preemie Chronicles - Bringing the Babies Home
A father shares his joys and fears when bringing preemie twins home from the NICU. (Jeff Ewing)
Parenting After the NICU
Those early times in the NICU had a positive impact both as a person and a parent. (Rene Miller)
See also:
Developmental Follow-up of Pre-term Infants at High Risk for Delays is Essential
Early identification of developmental difficulties is believed to be critical to the success of treatment. (Sheena Carter, PhD)
Parent Advocates are Born in the NICU
How the NICU experience teaches preemie parents to advocate for their children.
See Also
Know When to Hold Them
Provide comforting care for your baby by learning his distress signs. (Kristine