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Founded in 1996, the Prematurity website provide support, information and resources for parents of children born prematurely - from birth to adulthood. This website has a unique focus on the long term impacts of prematurity. It is also a great resource for advocates of preemies - anyone wishing to help children born prematurely.
My Story
My miracle son was born at 26 weeks, weighing only one pound 2 ounces and barely 12 inches long. For a long time he could not breath on his own. After four months in the NICU, he came home on oxygen for his first year. This was before the internet, so I was extremely isolated. As the internet evolved, I became more and more involved in providing in online support so other parents would not have to endure this isolation. I have had wonderful interactions and provided support through a wonderful, very active former group Preemie-L, my Preemie-Child group for older preemies, and my websites. My son been effected by almost every possible result of prematurity. As a result of learning from parents, NICU personal and professionals, I learned a tremendous amount about premature birth and its aftermath. This website takes you through the gamut of prematurity impacts - from the NICU through childhood and adulthood. The companion site Children's Disabilities Information provides information on many of the special needs diagnoses preemies may experience as they grow up.