Parenting Your Preemie
Parenting your premature baby and preemie child

Preemie Books
Recommended books for preemie parents and their children.
Preemie Child
Internet support group for parents of preemies four years or older.
Any preemie parent you meet will tell you we are a special breed of people - parents of preemies and their preemies - and we are! We know how precious life is and we cherish every minute we have with our "little miracles." Quote from a preemie parent
Long Term Care Needed for an Increasing Number of Families of Babies With Special Needs
The number of children who need specialized equipment and intensive medical intervention at birth is on the rise. Sadly, once a family walks out the hospital door, practical supports are in short supply. (Miriam Edelson)
Developmental Follow-up of Pre-term Infants at High Risk for Delays is Essential
Early identification of developmental difficulties is believed to be critical to the success of treatment. (Sheena Carter, PhD)
New Roles for Parents of Children Born Prematurely
A preemie parent has many jobs to deal with the complexities of raising a preemie. (Allison Martin)
Stories of Older Preemies
Small Victories - Listening to Adult Preemies Mary Lou Dickerson gives advice to parents of preemie children, based on interviews with adult preemies. (Mary Lou Dickerson).
Preemies May Not Catchup - Early Intervention is Essential
Lessons Learned: Personal story of a mother whose sons born prematurely had long term impacts. (Patti Wrape)
The Strongest Men - Preemie Dads
In praise of fathers of children born premature (Janet M. Gresham)
Robin's Story
Premature boy now four years old. (Anne-Mieke)
Journeys of Children Born Premature
Stories and pictures of older preemies, from the Preemie Child support group.
Prematurity : Parents and Peers
When you have a preemie, the nature of the delivery makes it difficult to find a peer group. (Mara Stein, PhD)
It Isn't Easy - Raising A Child with Special Needs A preemie parent explains that the difficulty of special needs parenting is hard to understand. (Pat Linkhorn)
When Your Parents Won't Listen
Preemie parents discuss the reasons that relatives may not provide the support you seek. (Allison Martin)
Parents of Premature Babies Could Use Help from Family and Friends The impact that a special-needs child has on a family is enormous. (Diane Maroney)
Growth and Scars
Will My Baby "Catch Up"?
A summary of scientific studies on growth and prematurity: catch-up growth can continue into adolescence, and the majority of tiny premature infants should be normal sized adults. (Dr. Raye-Ann deRegnier)
From Diapers to Dating - Will My Preemie Ever Grow Tall?
Preemie parents discuss their concerns for the growth of their children.
Scars of the NICU
Preemie parents discuss the residual scars children born prematurely carry from their time in the NICU. (Allison Martin)
Prematurity : Memories and Birthdays When your baby is born prematurely, birthdays can evoke complex feelings. (Allison Martin)
Birth Memories : Differences of Premature and Full Term Birthdays
Parents of full term babies can not understand why we seem to need to grieve the small details; what to them is just a footnote is the body of the text for us. (Mary Searcy)
Do Preemies Have Difficulty with School? Preemie parents discuss school issues for older preemies. (Allison Martin)
School's In
A preemie starts preschool. (Jeff Stimpson)
Should I Delay Kindergarten for My Preemie?
Preemie parents discuss delaying the start of Kindergarten. (Allison Martin)
See Also:
What I Learned in Parenting a Preemie with Special Needs - A Letter to God
The bitter-sweet lessons of growth from raising a preemie child with special needs. (Pat Linkhorn)
Preemie Special Needs
Long and short term impacts of prematurity.