
Preemie parents and preemie children celebrate their lives with poems, artwork and stories.
Famous People Born Prematurely
Famous People Born Prematurely
A list of famous preemies.
Celebrations by Children Born Premature
Child Show and Tell
View artwork and stories by children who were born premature
in our gallery. Write me and share your own children's artwork or writing!
Preemie Parents Celebrate Their Children with Stories
A Little Guy Make a Big Hit - A Preemie Story
Lessons on life from the Little League. (Chris Boureois)
Wedding Day! A Preemie Celebration
A mother celebrates the wedding day of her daughter, who was born premature. (Becky Hatfield)
Double Digit Birthday
A mother's thoughts as 10 year old preemie twins with special needs celebrate their birthday. (Janet Gresham)
Preemie Parents Celebrate Their Children with Poems
A Gift From God
A grandmother of a preemie wrote this touching poem on the miracle of a premature baby's life. (Dianne)
The Gift
A mother's poem for a baby born very premature, as she let's go of the early memories of the NICU. (Lise Kunkel)
Thirteen - A Poem to a Preemie, Now a Teenager
A mother's poem for a former preemie. (Lynn Holland)
A Preemie Grows Up
A mother contrasts her teenage daughter's preterm birth with the present. (Sue Kinney)
Your Smile
A mother's poem for her preemie child with severe special needs. (Janet Gresham)