How to Help Parents and Premature Babies in the Hospital
What nurses, relatives, friends and generous people can do to help preemies in the NICU.

Premature Baby Books
Excellent gifts: Recommended books for parents, children, professionals and volunteers.
How Can I Help? Twenty Do's
and Don'ts When Talking to Parents of a Preemie Baby
Advice on what to say and do (and avoid!) when your friend or relative
has a baby in Neonatal Intensive Care Hospital (NICU). (Menetra
D. Hathorn)
For NICU Professionals - What to Do for Parents
Little things professionals can do that make a difference. (Compiled By Dianne Maroney, Andrea O’Brien and Sheri DeBari)
For NICU Professionals - What To Avoid When Working with NICU Parents
Little things professionals should avoid when working with preemie parents. (Compiled By Dianne Maroney, Andrea O’Brien and Sheri DeBari)
Volunteering to Hold or Cuddle Premature Babies Volunteers cuddle babies in the NICU when the parents can not be there. (Allison Martin)
How Professionals Can Help Parents of Premature Babies in the NICU and at Home
NICU doctors, nurses, and social workers can provide valuable assistance to parents of preemies. (Diane Maroney)
A Nurse's Empathy Can Have a Huge Impact
When a parent has a baby in the NICU, a nurse's response can help parents struggling with emotions. (Dianne I. Maroney)
How Nurses Can Help Preemie Parents in the NICU
Practical suggestions for NICU nurses from a NICU nurse and preemie mother. (Dianne I. Maroney)
Parent Advocates are Born in the NICU
The NICU teaches preemie parents to advocate for their children. Professionals in the NICU can aid parents by becoming familiar with these factors. (Allison Martin)
See Also:
The Use of Comforting Touch and Massage to Reduce Stress in Preterm Infants in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (Lynda Law Harrison, RN, PhD, FAAN)