Preemie Child Support Group
Support group for parents of children born premature who are now four years old or older.
The Preemie Child support group, founded
in 1997, provides support and information on the long term impacts of
prematurity for parents of preemies who are school age to adult. Parents of children four (4)
years or older who were born prematurely are welcome to join.
Children who are born very prematurely may have disabilities and special needs, including medical, physical and psychological impacts, which continue to require attention as they enter school and society. These disabilities and special needs are often difficult to address because they may be "invisible" and multiple. This group brings our families together for support to learn from each other's experiences. The underlying assumption of this group is that our children are valued members of our families and of society, who may need additional support, information, care and understanding as they grow up.
Members communicate by email or via the web.
How to Join the Preemie Child Group
- Write to me at
- Put Subscribe to Preemie Child in the subject line.
- Include a description of your preemie's journey, why you want to join the group, and any questions that you have. I will forward this to the group as your introduction.
- Please include both your first and last name so I can subscribe you to the listserv. (Only your first name is sent to the group.)
I look forward to hearing from you! We have a very supportive group of involved parents and professionals.
Interacting with the Group and Accessing the Archives
Once I add you to the group, you will receive group emails and can write emails to the group. Send email directly to the group at this address: PREEMIE-CHILD@LISTSERV.ICORS.ORG .
You can also read the archives and post to the list from the web. Just go to this page and follow directions to create a password: In addition you can also change your settings, such as switch to the digest or stop mail for a vacation.