Every Breath Your Child
Takes is as Important as Their First TM
Me Joey support offers peace-of-mind to parents of
preemies and very small newborns. Our support units for baby car
seats and baby carriers create a safer, healthier position for infants.
All of our products are scientifically designed and crash tested
for optimum results.
the best baby car seats and baby carriers don't position or support
your baby or premature babies properly. Well-positioned
babies are more comfortable, breathe easier, and have decreased
abdominal pressure. This causes less spitting up and is beneficial
- colicky babies,
- babies with infant acid reflux,
- premature babies
- and babies and preemies at risk for SIDS.
Hug Me Joey, LLC
P.O. Box 16616
Rocky River, Ohio 44116
Visit our website: HugMeJoey.com